Registration is OPEN, spaces is limited.
2025 Spring Professional Development Training
March 27, 2025
Society of Defense Financial Management
Get Certified
CDFM™ and CDFM-A™ Certification
The Certified Defense Financial Manager (CDFM) is a test-based certification for defense financial management professionals in government.
Earning and maintaining the CDFM credential requires meeting eligibility and experience criteria, passing three multiple-choice exams, and recertifying every two years.
Diverse Membership
SDFM is the membership community for individuals and organizations involved in the practice and support of the defense financial management field. Our members, both uniformed and civilian, come from the Department of Defense, all branches of the United States Armed Forces, the Fourth Estate, other governmental agencies as well as private sector organizations and academia.
Chapter Professional Development
Join Our Monthly CETs
Our annual Mini-PDI features a full day of workshops aligned to the DoD Financial Management Certification Program competencies and associated proficiency levels; financial management, audit, acquisition, and workforce management workshops.
National Site
Improve Your Skills
Our industry moves quickly and is constantly evolving. SDFM, with the assistance of the Department of Defense, has created a variety of ways for defense financial managers to receive valuable professional training. Participants have the opportunity to earn CPEs and grow skills in person and virtually.